Look all around you & tell me not only how many products you see that are made from some type of metal alloy, but also, how many machines it took to make those products that were made from metal!
Most of the world's industries, companies &/or employees rely on metal alloys to produce, fabricate, manufacture, program, simplify, assemble & much more! Metal alloys are also used in the cars we drive, the cell phones we use, to prepare the food we eat & on & on! Our dependancy is so great for this substance that much of our health, our technology, our comfort, our economy & our entire way of living as a whole depends on the metal industry! And like our gas prices in 2008, we will be faced w/ corporations that will recognize this dependancy & unfortunately, make us pay for it w/out any reason whatsoever! Don't for 1 moment think that this can't or won't happen because it already has began....
While the economy is struggling, but quickly starting to show signs of recovery (orders, proposals, spending, quarterly announcements, etc.), the prices of materials, hardware & components are quickly on the rise as well! Even though the steel industry's production levels are 40% - 60% down from last year & inventory levels among vendors are critically high, the steel industry has somehow found reasons enough to increase prices...dramatically!!! While they claim that orders are rising, suppliers & even their shareholders know that they have not raised enough to dictate these recent price increases! You would have thought that with last year's sales & revenue figures being down that it would have proved to these guys that the general public is not stupid & they won't be forced into sales tactics &/or strategies such as this! I realize that making an intelligent decision on this matter is asking an awful lot, but atleast an attempt to making a few brain cells move might just be enough to generate thought & reasoning behind their decisions! It's called thinking & it wouldn't hurt to try it every once in awhile!
Anyway, It was only 4 or 5 years ago that they were producing & selling the same products, same materials, same components, the EXACT SAME ITEMS for 3x - 5x less the amount! The end product is not any better than it was then & yet they blame gas prices, energy prices, raw materials, labor & yada-yada-yada! They provide more excuses why than they provide evidence why prices are what they are today! By raising prices now, they diminish any type of positive momentum or any potential chance that there is to increase sales! However, the 1 group or committee that could help us, simply can't & won't because they have appointed no other higher authority to regulate these guys! These steel corporations do what they want, when they want & however they want w/out any type of rules, regulations nor any type of reprecussions by a higher authority such as our government! It's obvious that w/ this type of free-will, they are ultimately destroying jobs & more importantly, destroying most of the companies, small & large, that make these jobs possible!
Alot of people don't realize it, but just as I explained earlier, the steel industry as a whole controls the fate &/or future for many different types of industries, companies &/or people's lives all together! There is no justification to why the steel mills increased the prices so dramatically for July & August, but w/out any type of rules, regulations &/or reprecussions by a higher authority, they will not only be allowed to control our lives, they will also control & affect other economies in other countries as well!
Once again, think about how many different types of metals that we rely on everyday, think about how many companies &/or industries provide these products & lastly, think of how many workers it took to produce those products that make our lives what they are today! Now tell me how much control does the steel industry have over all of our lives today! Look at everything around you, look at every product sold to you, look at every product that you use & every product that you will use... now tell me that it doesn't affect you! Think about this also...has our dependancy on the metals industry plagued us just as our dependancy on oil did? Is, "Be careful for what you wish for" now too late to wish back? No! If we can expand our minds to think of better products & processes just as we did before & don't allow us to become so dependant on 1 paticular product, then we can make a future of free-will than that of control! If you want things to stay the same, then you have no reason to complain about the situation that you are currently in! Shutting down your thoughts & your mind will only lead you down a path that is controlled or made by the person who did & does think!
I hope you find this post as thoughtful & as inspirational as the feelings & effort put into it & every blog that we post! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, changes &/or ideas that you would like to suggest, plz feel free to contact me anytime! Thank you for your time & consideration on these matters!